Wteya's 200 LPH RO System Implementation for Drinking Water Production in Africa

Case Study: Wteya's 200 LPH RO System Implementation for Drinking Water Production in Africa


Wteya, a prominent drinking water company in Africa, recognized the increasing demand for clean and safe drinking water due to growing urbanization and industrialization in the region. To address this demand while maintaining the highest quality standards, Wteya decided to invest in a state-of-the-art 200 liters per hour (LPH) Reverse Osmosis (RO) system.


The primary objective of Wteya was to enhance its water purification process, ensuring the production of safe, pure, and great-tasting drinking water for its consumers. The company aimed to achieve this while also focusing on sustainability and cost-efficiency.


  1. Water Quality: The local water sources in many parts of Africa often contain high levels of impurities, including bacteria, viruses, and dissolved solids, making it unsuitable for direct consumption.

  2. Sustainability: With increasing environmental concerns, Wteya aimed to reduce its carbon footprint and minimize water wastage during the purification process.

  3. Cost-efficiency: Implementing a new RO system required significant investment, and Wteya needed to ensure a return on investment (ROI) while maintaining affordable pricing for its consumers.


Wteya partnered with a leading water treatment solutions provider to design and install a customized 200 LPH RO system tailored to their specific requirements. The system incorporated the following key components and features:

  1. High-Quality RO Membranes: The system utilized high-performance RO membranes capable of removing up to 99% of impurities, including bacteria, viruses, and dissolved solids, ensuring the production of safe and pure drinking water.

  2. Advanced Pre-treatment: To protect the RO membranes and enhance the system's efficiency, advanced pre-treatment processes such as sediment filtration, activated carbon filtration, and water softening were integrated into the system.

  3. Energy-Efficient Design: The RO system was designed with energy-efficient pumps and motors, reducing energy consumption and operating costs for Wteya.

  4. Sustainability Features: To minimize water wastage, the system incorporated a high-efficiency recovery rate, allowing Wteya to recover and reuse a significant portion of the treated water, thereby conserving water resources.


  1. Improved Water Quality: The implementation of the 200 LPH RO system significantly improved the quality of the drinking water produced by Wteya, meeting international quality standards and exceeding customer expectations.

  2. Sustainability Achievements: By reducing water wastage and optimizing energy consumption, Wteya successfully reduced its carbon footprint and contributed to environmental conservation efforts.

  3. Cost-Efficiency: Despite the initial investment, the RO system's operational efficiency and reduced maintenance requirements resulted in long-term cost savings for Wteya, achieving a positive ROI.

  4. Consumer Satisfaction: With the enhanced water quality and purity, Wteya's consumers expressed higher satisfaction levels, leading to increased brand loyalty and market share for the company.


Wteya's investment in a customized 200 LPH RO system has proven to be a strategic decision, allowing the company to produce safe, pure, and great-tasting drinking water while also focusing on sustainability and cost-efficiency. The successful implementation of the RO system has positioned Wteya as a leader in the drinking water industry in Africa, setting new standards for quality, sustainability, and customer satisfaction.